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HomeHuman-HealthBenefits of Carrying the Tag of Exercise and Mental Health

Benefits of Carrying the Tag of Exercise and Mental Health

Benefits of carrying the tag of exercise and mental health

Benefits of Carrying the Tag of Exercise and Mental Health



History has colorfully offered the shades of evolution ahead of budding generations, which is dynamically getting rich layer by layer through the adapting power of the wise enough human clan; representing a good habit of exercise and mental health.


But here comes a twist with the shifting attitude in our living aura; exercise and mental health problems have deviated from its stereotype notions.

The chronic pressure of fulfilling targets and performing 100% is actually draining all our energy silently in a ruthless way, which we are unaware of and hence gradually it’s ruining our ability to look after the significance of the tag ‘exercise and mental health’.


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Indeed today’s workaholic environment demands the robotic fitness from us and that if not 100% but at least 80% can be achieved through a strict inclination towards daily adaptation of the notion ‘exercise and mental health’, so as to create a continuity between the relation of exercise and mental health.


The tag of ‘exercise and mental health is the ultimate key in today’s claustrophobic working environment to survive with enthusiasm.


All one needs to do is to copy a clear idea about the co-relation exists between exercise and mental health and then smartly paste the tag of ‘EXERCISE AND MENTAL HEALTH’ to your suffocating schedule.


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Pick a definite brand of exercise!



Yoga is an art of exercise that exists since the Vedic times; within which flying high the flag of exercise and mental healthand successfully synchronizes with your busy time table to give you the best for the treatment of your stressed body parts.



Some Time SavingYogas


URDHVA MUKHA SVANASANA- benefits of carrying tag of exercise and mental health


Lie on the yoga mat, your thighs, knee, and feet facing towards it. Slightly try to lift half of your body upwards keeping the thighs, knees, and feet attached to the ground. Then gradually lift the upper portion of your body with your head facing upwards.



  1. Easily wipe out all your fatigue and depression.
  2. Plus eradicate back pain from the root if any resting inside your body.
  3. Relieves instantly from the burden of stress.

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halasna- benefits of carrying tag of exercise and mental health


Lie on your back on the mat and slowly try to create a 90? by lifting your legs upwards and touch the ground ahead of your head while giving support to your back through firmly holding them with your hands.

After gaining a static condition try to release the hands from the back and stretch them straight alongside on the ground.


  1. Fruitfully brings a happy mood.
  2. Relaxes all stressed muscles.
  3. Uproots primarily depression.
  4. Gives you more flexibility.
  5. Deletes the mark of insomnia from your life forever.



A few aerobic exercises like jogging over a treadmill or on a road, swimming and cycling can literally sort out the problem of inability in performing fast mental works.

Read: Top 5 Treadmill Exercise Tips for Beginners


hiking- benefits of carrying tag of exercise and mental health

Walking, if possible through the woods, scientifically proven carries immense importance for a stressed individual. The calm touch of nature has that intriguing magic in her embrace that can easily relax the restless tissues inside our brain. Besides, this can be a great way to successfully tackle the mental problems with the tag of ‘exercise and mental health’.


Also Read: 10 Best Exercises to Do at Home



dancing- benefits of carrying tag of exercise and mental health

The term instantly gives us impetus of joy. In the same way, it also enhances our circulatory system to work flawlessly which fills our body with never ending enthusiasm fueled with metabolism.


Henceforth, fix a meticulous time for exercise and try to endeavor the routine at least 90% irrespective of all obstacles which are inevitable in the enduring living approach.


Importantly find a proper personal gym or yoga trainer to guide you appropriately the kind of workout you entail based on the requirement of your mental as well as physical health and nail an example of a healthy life breaking all clutches of contemporary hazards.


The acute need for the tag of ‘exercise and mental health is not just a word from a talk nineteen to the dozen but it has been prescribed by medical science as well and will easily uproot major saplings of mental disorders like depression, insomnia, bipolar diversity, anxiety; even Alzheimer’s syndrome.


Lastly, the thing to recognize is that the person, who has been succeeded in balancing the bondage between ‘exercise and mental health properly, will enormously inspire others to eradicate their problems linked with mental disturbances.

Sangeeta Chatterjee
Sangeeta Chatterjee
An FWA recognized Screen Writer, an efficient video editor, painter and beyond everything one who loves to be a creative person!

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