Monday, March 10, 2025
HomeSEO GuideWordpress PluginWordpress installation and basic settings

WordPress installation and basic settings

WordPress is the popular web builder which is used for creating websites or we can say portals. WordPress is the only web builder which is more user  and blogger friendly.Google recommends wordpress for creating websites or informative portals. WordPress is installed from the Cpanel of website from the Fantastico option. WordPress point out the grammatical and vocabulary mistake from the post. so that’s why wordpress web builder is all time favorite for the bloggers.


1.Open your website c- panel by using the url of

 wordpress cpanel login image

2.Enter the username and password given by your server and web hosting provider. you can also change the password from Cpanel.

3. Open the Fantastico option and select the wordpress for installing. follow the procedure during installation set your own username and password.

wordpress cpanel fantastico option page


4. WordPress installation successfully confirming the notification.

5. Check the successfully wordpress installation in your website. Use the url

wordpress login image


Settings for the wordpress is required must for creating the traffic flood on your website.

General setting is in wordpress dashboard first of all set your general details of your website:-

1.Put your site title which you want show to the user like or

2.Set your tag line which contain welcoming note like welcome to the

3 Set your URL for WordPress and site in or but don’t forget to set the same settings in your webmaster during setting of preferred domain name.

wordpress setting dashboard

4. Set your email address where WordPress will send you the email alerts of your website.

5.Most important setting of the general setting is the time zone setting . Set your country timezone like if you are in India than your time zone is +5:30 respectively for other countries.

6.By setting the time zone your date and time of Wordpress settings will automatically set.set the week starts on Monday

7. Click on the button save changes and your general setting is now excellent.

WRITING settings is in WordPress dashboard left side of settings:

1. Set the formatting check the both boxes of convert emoticon and xhtml format.

2. SET THE PING LIST in reading setting  just copy and paste important search engine ping URL .you can comment in following comment box for getting the ping list which will boost your seo.


READING Setting :-

1.Set the number of post to display maximum to six .

PERMALINK SETTINGS: WordPress most important setting for search engine optimization is permalink setting:-

1.Set the permalink setting for your website in the format of  custom structure—/

Don’t forget to follow this above guidelines for SEO of portal. These are the basic setting settings of word press for increasing traffic flood on your website.



Anand Kumar Jha
Anand Kumar Jha
I am a founder of this wonderful aerospace portal. I am an aeronautical engineer by qualification and digital marketer by profession. I have bachelors degree in Aeronautical Engineering. Now helping startup website to rank high in Google. Visit now to hire me for your business website growth here

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