PRITHVIRAJ CHAUHAN- Most Valiant and Brave Warrior of India:
Today we are going know the life of great, brave, intelligent, wise leaders or legend who marked the Indian culture and provinces incredible and prestigious.
Today we are describing the biography of most valiant and brave king of Hindu dynasty,
Who known as the king of the king?
Who found the mysterious and big treasure of India?
Who known as the brave son of India?
Who insists the Mughal rulers taste the sand of India?
He was the first warrior in the history of Indian kingdom who got the teaching of blind archery, He was the legend who always respect the Indian culture, Help the weak peoples, and always ready to die for his kingdom peoples and country. He was none another than ”PRITHVIRAJ CHAUHAN”.

Table of Contents
Prithviraj Chauhan is also known as Prithviraj 3. He was born in 1149 A.D in the district of Ajmer of Rajasthan(state of India), in the fort of Ajmer king Someshwar Chauhan. His mother was KAMLA DEVI (Daughter of Anangpal Tomar 2, King of Delhi).Prithviraj 3 had one sister PRATHA, who was married to king of Chittor.
Prithviraj 3 was married with SAMYUKTA OR SANYOGITA(Daughter of Jai Chandra, King of Kannauj). Prithvi Raj 3 was very intelligent and helpful for poor people.
His father admitted to him in the Gurukul for preparing and developing his talents and knowledge of Kingdom, politics and weapon use. Prithviraj 3 was famous in his Gurukul for horse riding.
His guru rewarded him by the blessing of becoming the biggest and brave king in the era of Indian kingdoms.
Prithviraj 3 was the first king in Chauhan dynasty who founded the big treasure of India for removing the poverty and starvation of Ajmer people and kingdom.
Prithviraj3 had 4 friends who joined the dynasty of Chauhan kingdom.
Pundir, Sanjam Rai, Chand Bardai. His biography written in the book of Chand Bardai ”PRITHVIRAJSO”
Prithviraj 3 fought many battles individually but 4 most dangerous and destroying battle was fought between the Prithvi Raj3 and his rivals:-
1. Battle with Bhimdev(King of Someshwarpuri, Gujrat):
Prithviraj3 fought a first huge battle with Bhimdev and his soldier’s groups. Bhimdev planned to kill the Prithviraj 3 but at last Prithviraj killed the Bhimdev.
The first battle of Bhimdev was fought between prithviraj3 father Someshwar Chauhan where he killed the Someshwar Chauhan by cheating the Chauhan soldiers.
Again he wanted to kill the prithviraj3 with the same formula but he was unsuccessful and died by prithviraj3 and his kingdom was captured by prithviraj3.

After the battle with Bhimdev in 1169 Prithviraj grandfather, Anangpal Tomar 2 forwarded the throne of Delhi to the Prithviraj-3.
This happening disappointed the Jai Chandra(king of Kannauj) because he also wanted to be the king of Delhi.He was the eldest grandson of Anangpal Tomar2 and more experienced than prithviraj3.
But Anangpal tomar2 forwarded the dynasty on the base of bravery and responsible king attitude of prithviraj3.
After few years Prithviraj 3 soldiers were injured in the battle and they decided to rest in the Mahoba royal garden so they did it but the Mahoba soldiers killed the all soldiers in breaking the law of Mahoba to enter the Mahoba royal garden.
When Prithviraj came to know about this incident he proclaimed the battle with Mahoba. Mahoba kingdom fighting team was lead by the 2 brave and strong brothers ALLAH AND UDAL. Allah leads the first troop of Mahoba army and Uddal lead the second troop of Mahoba army.
Prithviraj 3 killed the Uddal in the revenge of injuring his friend PUNDIR. Prithviraj3 and friend Sanjam Rai fell down on the nearby hill.
All the vultures wanted to eat the Prithviraj 3 because he was injured and blood was coming out of his body.
His best friend SANJAM RAI injured himself and allow the vultures to eat his body flesh instead of eating prithviraj3 body flesh.
Prithviraj 3 friend came and took him to the nearby Alchemist where he was treated. When he comes to know about his best friend SANJAM RAI. He was grieved and became disappointed. Prithviraj 3 won the battle of MAHOBA.When Allah quit killing the Prithviraj3.
Prithviraj 3 was fought with Muslim king Shabuddin Mohammad Ghori and his big military troop of 1lakh 20 thousand military and three thousand horses. He enters the India through KHYBER PASS. Prithvirajraj fought with military troop of one lakh soldiers and 2000 thousand elephants.
Prithvirajraj fought with the military troop of one lakh soldiers and 2000 thousand elephants.
This removed the most soldiers of Mohammad Ghori because they don’t know to fight with elephants and Mohammad Ghori defeated by the Prithviraj3.Mohammad Ghori was very clever he started crying in front of Prithviraj 3 and started begging his life. Prithviraj 3 was very great and helpful warrior he removed the Mohammad Ghori following the Indian philosophy of Indian Rajputs.
Prithviraj 3 was very great and helpful warrior he removed the Mohammad Ghori following the Indian philosophy of Indian Rajputs.
The great romantic story of prithviraj3 and Jai Chandra daughter Sanyogita.
When Jai Chandra proclaimed the open marriage most beautiful daughter Sanyogita.Prithviraj 3 send his statue in the marriage hall of Jai Chandra daughter. Sanyogita put the marriage garland in the neck of a statue of Prithviraj 3.
All the other King shocked and Jai Chandra became angry on this incident.
At the same time, Prithviraj enters the marriage hall on his horse and put Sanyogita in the back of his horse and ran out of the Kannauj.
Now Sanyogita this way became the princess of Ajmer and Delhi.
Again Mohammad Ghori attacked the Chauhan dynasty of Delhi with the bigger military troop. At this time prithviraj3 defeated by the Mohammad Ghori and imprisoned by him and sent to the
At this time prithviraj3 defeated by the Mohammad Ghori and imprisoned by him and sent to the Ghajni in Afghanistan.
Where he damaged the prithviraj3 eyes with hot and red swords.
Prithviraj3 still alive. After some days Mohammad Ghori organized the archery contest in Ghajni. where he invited the all kings at this time prithviraj3 requested a chance to participate in the archery contest.
Mohammad Ghori allowed because he knew that prithviraj3 is blind.
But he doesn’t know the extra talent of prithviraj3. His friend Chand Bardai gave the directions by the poem to Prithviraj3 of the exact location of Mohammad Ghori. When Mohammad Ghori allowed to Prithviraj 3 for arrow targeting he killed the Mohammad Ghori.
After that Prithviraj smiled and killed by soldiers of Mohammad Ghori.