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HomeSEO GuideFifteen Minute ON Page Search Engine Optimization Audit

Fifteen Minute ON Page Search Engine Optimization Audit


This Fifteen minute ON page search engine optimization audit of website can teach you advanced technique of on page search engine optimization.

This post will clear your all doubts of ON page search engine optimization and its related tools and techniques.

This Fifteen minute on page optimization  require only fifteen minute to check and approve your website ON page SEO.


Search engine optimisation beginners attempt to grasp basic elementary of search engine optimization.

Search engine optimization divided into 2 major varieties, i.e.

  1. ON Page SEO
  2. OFF Page Search Engine Optimization

On page and off page would give you hint to know its operation.

In this post we will learn ON page and off page optimization definition, tools and techniques to do website on page search engine optimization.





Techniques used to do search engine optimization when website is ON. I mean to say when you open your website. You check your post, add a new article on your website, add keywords, meta description, meta tags in your article, change the widgets, navigation setup on your website. Thus, all things you do on your website. Popular on page search engine optimization techniques are writing articles of more than 300 words, adding focus keyword, adding meta description, adding meta tags, using top area menu navigation, categories and subcategories.


A technique used to do search engine optimization when website is off. These search engine optimization techniques doesn’t require opening your website. Some most popular off page optimization techniques are  commenting on other websites for back links, increasing likes on the Facebook page of your website, Increasing follower on twitter and Google plus, sharing the articles on directories and web 2.0 sites.


Fifteen minute on page search engine optimization audit of website


In my study of search engine optimization, I found an interesting way to check the website ON page search engine optimization.

On page search engine optimization is crucial for allowing the bots of search engine to crawl and index your website. I see many websites whose look are AWSM, navigation bars are more systematic and content is well added, even then few traffic websites has no Alexa world and region rank.

Reason is on page search engine optimization is not good or serious errors present.  Fifteen minute on page search engine optimization include checking and pointing errors of on page search engine optimization. Follow and digest this below yummy points for on page search engine optimization site audit.

1. Check Whether Robots are Blocked by Your Page:

Sometime your developer does some automatic settings of your website which automatically blocks the bots on some pages. You don’t know that which particular page of your website will give you traffic flood. You can check this by installing the toolbar in chrome or Firefox i.e. SEO toolbar and MOZ SEO toolbar.

This toolbar is easily available on the Google web store. Moz SEO toolbar show on page search engine optimization results, but if you want to do advanced analysis of page like number of back links, anchor text of back links, do follow and no follow backlinks, then you have added your premium account.

After installing these tools, check in your header code while using view source code that html code

<Meta name = “robots” content = “noindex”, no follow” > is present. If same code found in your page header than a page is blocking the bots to index your website. Immediately replace the code with no index to index and no follow to follow.

Another method of checking the blocked robots pages is to check your robots.txt file. Check whether robot.txt file disallowed any page. If you anything like that immediately replace with allow or remove the whole code.

2. Frames and Flash Blocks the bots of Search Engines

Check with the help of SEO toolbar view source option that frames and flash codes are present on your pages. If present, then it will affect your page indexing. Use HTML 5 coding instead of frames and flash coding.

 3. Canonicalization of Page URL:

Canonicalization of page url is crucial for duplicate content error removal. Canonicalization is making the url to one selected 2 to 4 parameters url.

For example, if your website is set if users type then your server automatically redirect the user to Techniques for canonicalization of the url is 301 redirects on and adding links

<Link rel = “canonical” href= name/>. Always remember to put “ / ” in ends while pasting the link. There is an automatic option in web building themes for canonicalization of website url.

 4.  “/” hyphen in End of URL:

Check that your every url except your homepage url end with “/” hyphen. This is important for decreasing your page loading time. Page loading time also effected by putting hyphen or without hyphen.

 5.  User agent switching check :

User agent switching check is most important to certify your all above error of on page search engine optimization. You need a user agent switcher toolbar from chrome web store and Firefox web store. Add this toolbar in your chrome and Firefox add-on.

Now you have to do some ready to test the setup of the toolbar. First disable JavaScript, disable cache, disable frames and flash. Now switch your user agent switcher to your selected search engine bots like Google bots 2.0, Bing bots etc. During this check observes the appearance of a page, global navigation like menus, options,

Analyze and compare the results with disable CSS, JavaScript, flash and frames and enable CSS, JavaScript, flash and frames. If you get nearer about same results like navigation, anchor text of links, image links. This whole process and fifteen minute audit will save your website from future guideline violations of search engines.


On Page SEO includes elements meta tags optimization, page speed, keyword density, grammar, length of content etc.. But these five technical on page analysis is advance on the page so check.

Anand Kumar Jha
Anand Kumar Jha
I am a founder of this wonderful aerospace portal. I am an aeronautical engineer by qualification and digital marketer by profession. I have bachelors degree in Aeronautical Engineering. Now helping startup website to rank high in Google. Visit now to hire me for your business website growth here

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